Welcome To Mobile Autonomy, Perception and Sensing Lab at University of Edinburgh

MAPS Lab focuses on the frontier research in Cyber-physical Systems (e.g., mobile robots and mixed reality devices) with the goal to drastically improve their Reliability, Intelligence and Security in the wild. These works are motivated by the urgent need of robust localization and spatial perception solutions for mobile robotics and wearables to deal with i. sensing degradation (e.g., bad weather & poor illumination), ii. resource constraints (e.g., payloads, compute & energy budgets) and iii. malicious faults (e.g., adversarial attacks). Representative lines of research we have been recently focusing on are 4D Automotive Radar-enabled Mobile Autonomy and Sense Augmentation for First Responders.

Recent News of MAPS Lab

01/2024, Three papers accepted to ICRA 2024. Stay tuned for the code and video release. See you at Yokohama in May.
03/2023, One paper accepted by CVPR 2023 as a highlight (top 10% of the accepted papers, top 2.5% out of 9155 submissions).
10/2022, Our embedded AI enabled Firefighting Helmet was covered by more than 20 top-tier hits across broadcast TV, radio, international newswires.
06/2022, Three papers accepted by IROS 2022 held in Kyoto, Japan.

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